Lender Information Sheet
ANB Bank - IRC Modular and HUD Code
Home only, Land and Home, Construction Financing, Conventional FHA and VA, Traditional Mortgage Rates, Terms and Appraisals
Scott Phillips scott.phillips@anbbank.com (970) 282-2446
The Federal Savings Bank - IRC Modular and FHA HUD Code
Specialize in VA Loans, construction to permanent Land & Home, Construction Financing, Conventional, FHA, USDA, Traditional Mortgage Rates, Terms, Appraisals and Underwriting.
Rhonda Croft rcroft@thefederalsavingsbank.com (970) 744-2303
21st Mortgage Corporation - HUD Code and IRC Modular
Home Only, Land and Home, Land in Lieu, Co-Signer Program, Buy-for Program, Equity Program, Alternate Income Program.
Pre-Qualify www.21stmortgage.com (include retailer #1378-1)
Triad Financial Services - HUD Code and IRC Modular
New and Pre-owned, Home Only, Land Plus (land in lieu of cash), Land Home - One Time Close, Secondary Housing Programs, Co-Signer Programs, Park Model Programs.
Pre-Qualify - www.triadfs.com
New Century Bank - IRC Modular, System Built Homes, Land, Home
Construction Lending, Site Built Mortgage Rates, Terms and Appraisals - Credit Builder Program No Minimum Credit Score with 10% Down Payment.
Anthony Padgett apadgett@newcenturybankna.com (888) 235-7976
Guild Mortgage - HUD Code and IRC Modular
Land & Home, Construction to Perm (one time close), Construction Lending, VA ,FHA and Conventional Programs, Fannie Mae, MH Advantage HUD Code.
Sheryl Laskie slaskie@guildmortgage.net (970) 305-4848
Mountain Valley Bank - IRC Modular and HUD Code Manufactured
Land and Home, Construction Financing, Home Only, Non-Occupant Co-Borrowers, Commercial and Residential, In-House Portfolio Lender.
Chris Coley ccoley@bankmvb.com (970) 416-3353
Adna Romero aromero@bankmvb.com (970) 416-3354
Country Land and Homes is not recommending or referring you to any specific lender. The lender information provided above is a partial list of lenders available in this area. You are under no obligation to use any listed lender. Choosing the lender that best fits your needs will be your decision.